A 2-day Symposium on AI and Society
~ Creating a Global AI Community and Bridging Academia and Industry ~
Imagine the changes that artificial intelligence (AI) brings to society – some imagine the dystopian world of Terminator, others think of a utopian future in which benevolent machines serve humanity to propel our potentiality, and then there are AI skeptics. Whichever position you take, none would doubt that the impact of AI research on society is accelerating at a significant rate in the recent years.
This symposium invites speakers from industry and academia to exchange ideas for practical applications of AI technologies and possible future developments. This symposium is an opportunity to hold an international discourse on social impacts arising from new AI technologies.
Be part of the conversation! Join us as we explore social impacts of AI
Date: October 10-11, 2017
Venue: Toranomon Hills Forum 5F
Big thanks to over 560 people who attended the Symposium! The event has been featured in various Japanese media outlets (available only in Japanese) and also reported on globally.

AI & Society Symposium
Future of Life Institute Artificial Intelligence News